Greek Valentines
It appears a malevolent St. Valentine's agent managed to feed forbidden code into sissoula's (previous) post. The blog reacted and control was lost, hopefully temporarily. An added symptom: commentary was denied to all those who attempted. In an effort towards glasnost and democratization, here's a repeat post. -- dys.

It's not just a pop song, ladies and gents. According to an online study (rigorously and scientifically conducted, no doubt) by Durex, Greek lovers get busy 133 times a year, and thus rank second among the world's nations for frequency of sex, outdone only by the French (those Frenchies have a word for everything; how sexy is that?!), who apparently do it 137 times a year, well above the world's average of 103. (The US ties with Israel, at 111 times a year, to rank 9th.)
But what is quantity without quality? Not to worry. Greece also performed quite well in the time spent in foreplay category. The average time is 19.7 minutes, but Greeks give it a full 20. So, who, you ask, are the world's most attentive lovers, spending 22.5 minutes kindling those pre-coital fires? The Brits, apparently. Beans for breakfast, Barbie?

It's not just a pop song, ladies and gents. According to an online study (rigorously and scientifically conducted, no doubt) by Durex, Greek lovers get busy 133 times a year, and thus rank second among the world's nations for frequency of sex, outdone only by the French (those Frenchies have a word for everything; how sexy is that?!), who apparently do it 137 times a year, well above the world's average of 103. (The US ties with Israel, at 111 times a year, to rank 9th.)
But what is quantity without quality? Not to worry. Greece also performed quite well in the time spent in foreplay category. The average time is 19.7 minutes, but Greeks give it a full 20. So, who, you ask, are the world's most attentive lovers, spending 22.5 minutes kindling those pre-coital fires? The Brits, apparently. Beans for breakfast, Barbie?
Comments work? Hope so.
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