The Satin Pajama Awards
Looks like the 1st European Weblog Awards are now open for your voting. Fistfulofeuros manages the whole ordeal. No, this blog is not among the nominees, so there's no money for us in advertising such.
Even if you have no intention to vote or simply don't care, the list of blogs on the nominations' page contains a good number of blogs worth visiting. Let's swap opinions.
Funny, it's only the second day of voting and the single english-language Greek blog nominated (histologion, a worthy effort) has already scored over 35% in its categories. If this sustains, we'll have to consider how blog-whoring (which I was sure was an all-american phenomenon) works in the 'old continent'.
Well, all of the nominees deserve our congratulations and probably our attention. I haven't had a chance to look at more than one or two of the blogs in each category, but the nominations have provided a good occasion to see what many bright minds in Europe and elsewhere have to offer. I'm wondering, though, what the actual legitimacy of the Satin Pajama Awards is. On what criteria were the nominations based? I'm all for recognition where recognition is due, but it seems a bit misguided to have the same blog nominated in more than one category when there are probably innumerable other blogs out there that might be even more worthy if only we knew where to find them, and I also think that revealing the results of the vote before one has even voted is one step worse than exit polling. Nobody wants to vote for a loser... but it's the nomination that's important, not the competition, right?
OK, I admit I'm not sure what constitutes blog-whoring in this case but what can I do to avoid it anyway?
The Silk Pajamas are completely non-official - it's just the guys at AFOE and their readers coming up with nominations. It's supposed to be fun and not to be taken too seriously (it did lead to a daily hit record for histologion though).
I am sorry I phrased it like this, assuming everyone possibly interested would know Damsel's plea in your favor. You ought to be commended for not acting like a blog-whore, definitely. I was sorry to discover that, contrary to my expectations, most of the European bloggers nominated are making such a big fuss about this, they should disqualify. Well. A little extra traffic won't hurt anybody, right? Right. Assuming these folk keep coming after the party's over.
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